Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Expectations and readiness of first-year students for training at medical high school

N.S. Davydova, T.V. Borodulina, M.V. Noskova, O.V. Koryakina
80,00 ₽


N.S. Davydova is doct. in Medicine, prof.


T.V. Borodulina is doct. in Medicine, doc.


M.V. Noskova is cand. of Psychology, doc.


O.V. Koryakina is cand. of Medicine, doc.


 Ural State Medical University 

Elaborated is content of career-oriented work, carried out at the Pediatric department of the Ural State Medical University (USMU) among potential applicants. Given are definitions of notions of “professional orientation” and “professional education”. Determined is goal of professional orientation of both applicants and first-year students on concrete example of activity of USMU with outlining priority directions of the named activity. Presented are results of questionnaire first-year students as to on problems of professional orientation, as well as determined are their motivations to become professionally qualified specialized in pediatrics. Conclusion is made, that analysis of results of the authors research gives opportunity to form an opinion about effectiveness of professionally oriented activity and necessity of correct forming of such already on the stage of pre-diploma education.

Key words: first-year student, medical education, professional orientation. 


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