O.G. Zlobina is Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor;
E-mail: rap@festu.khv.ru
O.I. Nekrasova is Ph.D. in Economics;
E-mail: Nekrasova.O.I@festu.khv.ru
Е D. Lisitskaya
E-mail: lisitskaja.k@yandex.ru
Institute for International Cooperation of Far Eastern State University of Transport Communications, Khabarovsk
Examined are issues of development of cooperation in education between Russia and Vietnam in the sphere of high professional education. Presented is comparative research of Russia and Vietnam higher educational systems, as well as some of their distinctive peculiarities. Characterized are aspects of development of cooperation in the sphere of education, and also described is the process of providing Vietnamese citizens with academic access and formal admission to Russian higher institutions. Conveyed is comparative analysis of conformity of Russian and Vietnamese certificates, diplomas and degrees with levels of education. Also elaborated are possible perspective directions of further development of cooperation between both countries in the sphere of higher education.
Key words: education in Russia and Vietnam, academic access, formal (documentary) admission, Russian and Vietnamese documents on education and qualification.
1. [URL]: http://conf.sknow.ru/conf/vice-rector-2014/data/arefev.pdf.
2. [URL]: http://viif2014.ru/partners.html
3. [URL]: http://www.vietnamrussia.ru/
4. [URL: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=EXP;n=604972
5. Relations Russia — Vietnam: modernity and history. View from two sides. — M.: IDV RAN, 2013.
6. [URL]: http://www.incentra.ru/events/rossiysko-vetnamskoe-sotrudnichestvo.html
7. [URL]: http://politrussia.com/news/rossiya-i-vetnam-274/
8. [URL]: http://www.russia.edu.ru/information/legal/law/inter/soglash/4341/