Y. Wasiliev,
The President of St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University,
The Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences
V. Kimkov,
The Associate Professor
V. Kozlov,
Doctor of Engineering Sciences
E-mail: umo_spbgpu@mail.ru
St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University
A. Maslennikov,
National Accreditation Agency
The article examines the formation of content of the subjects based on fundamental principle of creation of competence knowledge, skills and techniques, which uses the minimal sets of elements — fundamental categories, fundamental operations and fundamental methods as a scientific ground of knowledge and subjects. Realization of this fundamental principle in forming the competence–based content of federal state educational standards will let create a new generation of content and adequate academic educational measurement materials for the second generation of centralized testing systems as a modern instrument of evaluating the quality of education of specialists and human resources of higher qualification which is currently being developed.
Keywords: competence knowledge, skillsand techniques, a basic principle, basic categories, basic operations, basic techniques, historical and logical models, categorical–and–logic models, system–and–logic models, conceptual–and–logical models
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