Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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A. Fedorov. Modern Media Education in Germany and Russia (2000—2010): Comparative Analysis (the end)

А.В. Федоров
80,00 ₽

Doctor of Pedagogics

The President of  Russian Association for Film and Media Education
Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute


The author draws a conclusion that the basic difficulties of wider introduction of media education in Russian and German universities and schools are connected with the lack of purposefully prepared media educators; with the certain inertness of the educational establishment; with traditional approaches of the education ministry structures attracting their attention to supporting training computers’ courses and information technologies and much smaller attention to actual media education problems.

To give media education movement an impulse the consolidation of all educational and media pedagogical organizations and media communities is necessary. As a whole the comparative analysis of modern media education in Germany and Russia (2000—2010) has shown that despite the certain distinctions it had had common vector at all levels of training, which is aspiration to development of critical and democratic thinking, creative abilities based on media material.

Key words: media education, media literacy, media competence, comparative analysis, schools, universities, educators, Germany, Russia


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