Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Development and introduction of computer art in the system of world art culture

L.N. Turlyun
80,00 ₽

The candidate of art criticism,

the senior teacher of chair of history of domestic and foreign art
Altai state university
Computer art’s role in the system of world art culture is considered in the article. The author concentrates on the process of formation and development of computer art in world’s art community Attention is focused on exhibitions & festivals of computer art.
Key words: informatization, computer technologies, computer art, art culture
1.                  Benjamin V. work the art during an epoch of its technical reproducibility. М, 1996
2.                  Nazansky В VI Novosibirsk international biennial of a modern drawing. [An electronic resource] URL: Set=24
3.                  News of culture of Novosibirsk. A Novosibirsk State art museum. [An electronic resource] URL:
4.                  Mueller R.E. The science of art: The Cybernetics of Ccreative communication. London:Rapp Whiting, 1967,267
5.                  Popper F.Art of the Electronic Age. L,1993
6.                  Rockman and Mezei. The electronic Computer as an Artist L,1986