Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On training of scientific and pedagogical cadres through post-graduate study. Experience of the Tomsk State University

N.P. Tsekhovoy
80,00 ₽


candidate of historical science, assistant of philosophy (sub)
department of humanity department
of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
The author analyzes evolution process of Postgraduate study institute in the system of training of scientific and pedagogical cadres by example of the Tomsk State University from 1925th to the year of 1991. Attention is drawn to some problems in TSU’s institute of postgraduate study in that period, also results of it’s activity are evaluated.
Key words: training of scientific and pedagogical cadres, postgraduate study, history of higher education and science in Siberia, Tomsk State University.
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3.                  The national archives of the Tomsk region. Fund. R-815. List. 19. File. 38.
4.                  The national archives of the Tomsk region. Fund. R-815. List. 1. File. 2416.
5.                  Caftanov S.V. Immediate tasks of higher school // Alma mater (The bulletin of the higher school). – 2005. – № 9. – P. 55-61.
6.                  Maksimovich G.A. Necessary superior methods training of postgraduate students // The bulletin of the higher school. – 1947. – № 12. – P. 33-35.
7.                  Kusakov M.M. More demanding when recruiting postgraduate study // The bulletin of the higher school. – 1947. – № 12. – P. 25-27.
8.                  The national archives of the Tomsk region. Fund. R-815. List. 1. File. 2419.
9.                  Higher school. Basic decrees, orders, and instructions / edited by L.I. Carpov and V.A. Severtsev. – Moscow: Press “Soviet science”, 1957. – 656 p.
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11.              Open to the world: Chronicle of visits to Tomsk University (1880-2008) / edited by G.V. Mayer. 3-d evised and enlarged edition. – Tomsk: Press of Tomsk State University, 2008. – 150 p.