Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On problems of structure’s development of leveled higher and lifelong education

E.V. Khoposov, A.N. Anisimov, V.N. Bobyliov, A.V. Yanchenko, O.V. Nikulina
80,00 ₽


Evgeny V. Koposov,
doctor of technical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian academy of architecture and construction sciences, rector
Alexander N. Anisimov,
candidate of technical sciences, professor, head methodologist   of Education quality assessment board
Vladimir N. Bobyliov,
candidate of technical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian academy of architecture and construction sciences, advisor at administrative council
Andrey V. Yanchenko,
candidate of technical sciences, professor, vice-rector for   study
Olga V. Nikulina,
 head of Department for science and methodology
Nizhny Novgorod state university of architecture and civil engineering 
Peculiarities of stages in transition of Russian higher and lifelong education to the leveled system are analyzed. Some suggestions for rationalization of leveled higher education structure are considered.
Key words: leveled higher education, analysis of structure’s evolution, variant of rationalization
1.      State academic standard of higher professional education. Rossiyskaya gazeta, 31.08.94.
2.        Bobyliov V.N., Anisimov A.N., Nikolsky E.K., Shults G.L. «Development of the variant of multilevel higher education system for "Construction" branch. //Problems of higher technical education: Interuniversity collected scientific papers / Novosib. state. techn. un-ty. - Novosibirsk, 1993. Edit.1.
3.       The National doctrine of RF education (valid until 2025). Approved by   Government of RF, 04.10.2000 №751. Web site of Education legislation centre 
4.      Conception of modernization of Russian education (until 2010). Order of the Ministry of education and science of RF dd 11.02.2002, №393. Federal portal of Russian education
5.      About priority directions of development of educational system in Russian Federation. Prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science of RF; approved by the Government of RF 09.12.2004. Federal portal of Russian education
6.      Federal Law of RF «On introducing amendments to regulatory acts of the Russian Federation (in part of defining the levels of higher professional education) » 24.10.2007 №232.
7.      Koposov E.V., Bobyliov V.N., Anisimov A.N. «On the problems of reformation of multilevel higher education as exemplified with architectural-engineering profile»// International scientific-industrial forum «Great rivers - 2008». Abstracts of Congress reports. N.Novgorod, 2008, p.564-567.
8.       Koposov E.V., Bobyliov V.N., Anisimov A.N., Yanchenko A.V., Filin V.A.., Nikulina O.V., Veselova E.A. «Multilevel system of higher education of NNGASU: 20 years of development» // Problems of multilevel education. Materials of the XIV international scientific-methodological conference. N. Novgorod, 2011, p.3-7.
9.      Draft of the Federal Law «About education in Russian Federation» (versions 3.0.4 – April 2012, 3.0.5 – May 2012); http://минобрнауки.рф/документы/1249.