Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Once again about monitoring of state universities, or how to raise quality of higher education

V.A. Sklyarevskaya
80,00 ₽


Sklyarevskaya Victoria A.
candidate of economic science,
professor of department of economics and management in
enterprises at small and medium
business Moscow state university technology and management by the name of K.Razumovsky.
Analyzed are criterions for evaluation of effectiveness of state universities, as well as causes of inferior quality of higher education classified with selecting some ways for their elimination.
Key words: monitoring, quality of higher education, orientation towards consumer, ways for raising of quality
1. The national quality standard of the Russian Federation. - The quality management system. - GOST R ISO 9000-2008.
2. GEF VPO in a preparation direction 080100 Economics.
3. Inefficient higher education institutions of Russia 2012. - [A URL]:›blog/neehffektivnye_vuzy...2012-11-02
4. Sklyarevskaya V.A. The main directions of improving the quality of teaching in institutions of higher education from the point of view of the existing quality standards // Almamater (Herald of the higher school). - 2012. - № 5.
5. Sklyarevskaya V.A. Improving the quality of higher education as a topical socio-economic problem // the Actual problems of social-economic development of Russia. - 2012. - № 4.