Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On operational and projecting technologies for activization of creative innovational potential

I.A. Halitsa, O.V. Parubets, E.G. Rosmetova
80,00 ₽


Igor Halytsya,
doctor of economic sciences, head of department
management of enterprises tourism industry,
academician of the Ukrainian academy of technological
Oleg Parubets,
candidate of economic sciences, dean
faculty of tourism, hotel and restaurant business
Kyiv university of tourism, economics and law
Elena Rozmetova,
candidate of administrative sciences, docent
department of tourism and hotel business
National university of food technologies
            Presented is the authors’ elaboration of perspective technology for project educational training, i.e. a new form for individualization in the process of education.
            Key words: technology of project education, stage of project elabotatiuon, scientific practical project