Guznenkov Vladimir N.
Candidat of Technical Sciences (Ph.D),
associate professor Department of graphic
Moscow State Technical University named Bauman.
Zhurbenko Pavel A.
Senior Lecturer Department of graphic
Moscow State Technical University named Bauman.
Analyzed are notions of “model” and “modeling”, as well as their use in the process of schooling. Also some principles of geometric models’ construction are detailed. Components of geometric modeling are considered, as well as marked an approach to informatization of geometric and graphic schooling, proceeding from requests of informational support for manufactured articles’ vital cycle.
Key words: model, modeling, geometric model, geometric modeling, computer modeling.
1. Great Encyclopedic Dictionary: 2 volumes / ed. A.M. Prokhorov. – Sov. Encyclopedia, 1991.
2. Bojko N.A., Zhuk D.M., Manichev V.B. CG: Textbook. Manual for schools. – Moscow: Publishing House of the MSTU named Bauman, 2007. – 392 p.
3. Yakunin V.I., Sidoruk R.M., Raikin L.I., Sosnina O.A. Innovation Strategy complex information and geometric graphic preparation in higher technical vocational education at present. – Scientific and methodological problems graphic preparation of the technical university at present are: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Astrakhan State Technical University, 15-17 September 2010. – Astrakhan: Izd ASTU, 2010. – P. 228 – 234.
4. Information technology in engineering education / ed. S.V. Korshunov, V.N. Guznenkov. – Moscow: Publishing House of the MSTU named Bauman, 2007. – 432 p.