Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Poly-cultural space of North Caucasus as a context of forming and supporting of positive image

A.M. Kazieva
80,00 ₽

Kazieva Almira Magometovna

Ph.D., Professor,
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (PSLU) 
                   Analyzed are problems, arising from examination of problematic space of modern social being. Discrepancy and complexity of the named space are inserted in coordinates of a number of important questions, i.e. tolerance, ratio of cultural originality and universal cultural process, dialog and poly-log of cultures, interpenetration of cultures, and maintenance of cultural identity.
                   Key words: North Caucasus, image, communication, poly-cultural space, ethnic culture, ethnos, identity.
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3.         Gershunsky B.S. Filosofiya obrazovaniya dlya XXI veka. — M.: Ped. ob?vo Rossii, 2002. — 511 s.
4.         Il'in I.А. Put' dukhovnogo obnovleniya. — M.: Аl'ta-Print, 2006. — 447 s.
5.         Likhachev D.S. Proshloe — budushtshemu. — L.: Nauka, 1985. — 575 s.
6.         Flier А.Ya. Mul'tikul'tural'nost' // Observatoriya kul'tury. — 2008. — No. 2. — S.  22—26.