docent of "History, philosophy, cultural studies"
Omsk State Transport University
Stated is that formation of complete and stable scientific picture of the world in consciousness of a student is the key task of the system of higher education. Methodological opportunities for solution of the problem are examined from a position of supporting of interdisciplinary connections and unity of scientific categorical apparatus.
Key words: complete picture of the world, stability, alterability, interdisciplinarity
1. Competence // Federal State Educational Standard. — [URL]:
2. On the “competence” and “competency” in education. — [URL]:
3. Melekhova, O.P. Competence as a result of the formation. — [URL]:
4. Ruzavin, G.I. The methodology of scientific knowledge. — M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012.
5. Martishinа, N.I. History and Philosophy of Science: practical importance of the course // Higher Education in Russia. — 2011. — No. 4. — P. 121—122.