Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Transition to information society and problems of breeding cadre potential

G.L. Abdulgalimov
80,00 ₽
G.L. Abdulgalimov.
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences
Head of Department of Computer Science

Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities


Presented is an analysis in problems and tendencies in development of IT-industry, as well as of process dynamics of informatization of Russia. Particularly attention is paid to the problem of cadre deficit and adaptation of professional education to demands of labor market.

Key words: IT-industry, information society, informational and communicational technologies, cadre potential.


1. Explanatory dictionary of understanding apparatus in informatization of education. — M.: BINON. Laboratory of knowledges, 2012. — [URL]:

2. Federal special program. Directive of the RF’s Government of 20.10.2010, No. 1815-p (red. of 15.08.2012) “On state program of the Russian Federation “Information society (from 2011 up to 2020)”. — [URL]:

3. Volkov, A.E., Kuzminov, Ya.I., Remorenko, I.B., Rudnik, B.L., Frumin, I.D., Yakobson, L.I. Russian education up to 2020: A model of education for innovative economy // Problems of education. — 2008. — No. 1. — P. 44.