Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Valuable principles of humanization of social development in modern Western social philosophy of education and training

V.V. Zinchenko
80,00 ₽

       Zinchenko Viktor Viktorovich. (Kiev, Ukraine),

doctor of philosophical sciences,

chief of Scientist Department of social problems of higher education

 and the education of students of Institute of

Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,

professor, Head of the Department of Management


Analysis of valuable fundamentals of modern Western social philosophy of of education is presented. Special attention is paid to theoretical research of moral aspects of education and training.

Key words: values, moral training, pedagogy, social philosophy of education, repressiveness, reason, freedom.


1. Dewey, J. Introduction into philosophy of breeding. — M.: St. books’ Publ., 1921. — 62 p.

2. Barrow R. Moral Philosophy for Education. — N-Y.—Boston—London: George Allen and Unwin, 2011. — 367 р.

3. Brent А. Philosophical Foundations for Curriculum. — Boston: Educational Leadership, 2008. — 390 р.
4. Bufford Th. Towards а Philosophy of Education. — Boston: World-Press, 2001. — 278 р.
5. Cooper D.Е. Illusion Equality. — Boston: College Record, 2003. — 327 р.

6. Dent N. Moral Philosophy Virtues. — Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1994. — 431 р.

7. Harris А. Teaching, Morality and Religion. — London.: Allen and Unwin, 2002. — 297 р.

8. Hirst P. Educational Theory / In: Study Educational. — London: Ro Utledge, 1996. — Р. 17—45.

9. Jacoby R. The Politics of Narcissism / Problem of Authority in America. — Boston: Norton Lasch,1995. — Р. 188—204.

10. Kohlberg L. Education for а just society. Moral Development, Moral Education. Ethics and Educational Policy. — Birmingham: Religious Education Pr., 2010. — 496 р.

11. Laing R.The Divided Self. — Harvard, 2001. — 341 р.

12. Peterson P. Роlitics of American education // In: American Educational   Research Journal. — 1998. — No. 15. — Р. 340—365.

13. Reich Ch. The Greening of Society. — N.-Y.: Bantam Books, 2007. — 306 р.

14. Woods R., Barrow R. An Introduction to Philosophy Education. — London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Books, 2005. — 312 р.