Komarov V.V.,
PhD, Professor, Department of Economics of
the Russian State Agrarian University Extramural – RGAZU
E mail: komarovvv@list.ru
Examined are goals and objectives, facing the world community for development of human potential and level of education. The author exposed positive dynamics of human potential development index, i.e. encouraging factor in humanization of the world community. Conclusion is that education in globalized world plays increasingly important role as creative factor of stable development.
Key words: education, human potential development index, restoration of global balance, equality of social possibilities.
1. Role of higher education in modern civilization. — [URL]: http://www.pedagogics-book.ru/articles/1-1.html
2. Proceedings of the UN. — [URL]: http://www.un.org/ru/ga/undp
3. UNESCO Proceedings. — [URL]: http://www.un.org/ru/ga/undp/docs.shtml
4. Human Development Report. Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World. — N.Y.: UN Development office, 2013.
5. The Limits to Growth: 30 Years Later. — M.: BINOM, 2012. — P. 353.
6. Human Development Report — 2013, UNDP, 14.03.2013. Development Program of the UN. — N.Y., 2013.
7. Vinokurov, M. Higher Education and Science of Russia: problems and prospects. — [URL]: http://argumenti.ru/education/n342/182195
8. Komarov, V.V. Millennium’s development aims // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2010. — No. 8. — P. 70—76.