Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On methodological foundations of social pedagogics

L.V. Mardahaev
80,00 ₽

L.V. Mardahaev,

Academician of the IASP

Head of the Department of Social and parenting RSCU,

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor



Examined is the essence of methodology of social pedagogics. Elaborated is such of it’s component as structure in the aspects of gnoseological, logicepistemological, praxeological, axiological and deontological foundations of social pedagogics.

Key words: methodology, praxeology, deontology, axiology, technology, meth-od, means.



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3. Kraevsky, V.V., Berezhnova, E.V. Metodologia pedagogiki: novy etap. — M.: PC «Akademia», 2008.

4. Nikandrov, N.D. Sostav i structura metodologii socialisticheskoi pedagogiki. — М., 1987.

5. Filosovskiy enciklopedicheskiy slovar’. — М., 1983.