D.V. Lukashenko,
Phd in psychology, docent
Professor of chair Military acmeology and cybernetics,
Military academies of a name of Peter the Great (Moscow)
E-mail: dim-mail-ru@mail.ru
Key words: adaptive potential, adaptive model, individuality.
1. Edelman, G.M. Neural Darwinism: The theory of neuronal group selection. — N.Y.: Basic, 1987.
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5. Maslow, A. Defense and Growth // Theories of Psychopathology. — Philadelphia and London, 1967. — P. 276.
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7. Skinner, B.F. Pigeons in a pelican // American Psychologist. — 1960. — No. 15. — Р. 28—37.
8. Adler, A. The Science of characters. Understand human nature. — N.Y., 2011. — 256 p.
9. Drobot, I.S. Individualization of professional development of officers’ training // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2011. — No. 11. — P. 45—52.
10. Kelly, J. Theory of personality: psychology of personal constructs. — SPb.: Retch, 2000. — 256 p.
11. Leontiev, A.N. Problems of development of the psyche. — M., 1972. — 573 p.
12. Lukashenko, D.V. Mechanism of adaptation of person’s social environment // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2011. — No. 9. — P. 47—52.
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