Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Formation of universal training activities by means of modern tools of education

Yu.A. Savinkov, T.V. Dubovitskaya
80,00 ₽


Savinkov Uriy Andreevich

Doctor of Technical Science, Rector


Dubovitskaya Tatyana Viktorovna

PhD in Pedagogy


Voronezh Regional Institute of Continuing Education and Staff  Development for Educators


Discussed are approaches to improvement of qualification of lecturer in naturally scientific disciplines, based on modern means and methods of education, using suitable training tools. Main attention is paid to methodology of pedagogues’ training during cources of qualification improvement.

Key words: qualification improvement, information and communication technologies, digital educational resources, digital laboratories, universal training activities.


1.      On module organization of raising qualification of staff in education (experience of Voronezh IPKRO) // Person vs. education. — 2011. — No. 1 (26). — P. 39—45.

2.      Educational technologies, providing for attainment of FGOS requests to the results of activity of general education school. — Voronezh: VOIPK&PRO, 2013. — 315 p.

3.      Fyedorova, Yu.V. Laboratory practicum in physics by using of digital laboratories. — M.: BINOM Publ., 2012. — 191 p.

4.      Formation of basic universal learning actions in general school: from operation to thought. System of tasks. — M.: Prosvetschenie, 2011. — 159 p.

5.      Chernov, A.A. Coming into being of global information society: problems & perspectives. — M.: Dashkov & Co. Publ., 2003. — 232 p.


6.      Tucker, A. Strategic directions in computer science education // ACM Computing Surveys. — 1996. — No. 29. — P. 836—845.