Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


New phenomenons in high school of the USA

V.I. Korsunov
80,00 ₽


Victor I. Korsunov,

Vice-Rector for International Relations and Continuing Education,

Cand.Sc. (Education), Professor,

Associate Member of International Academy of Higher Education.

Sakhalin State University



Analyzed are qualitatively new phenomenons in development of high school in the USA, conditioned by development of information technologies of education. Presented is an analysis of various problems of American university education, arising from the era of ubiquitous information technologies, as well as experience of solving of some of the named problems.

Key words: new informational technologies of education, high school of the USA, on-line education, problems of traditional and electronic text-books in high school libraries and bookselling shops.



1.         Francisco Marmolejo. Internationalization of Higher Education: the Good, the Bad and the Unexpected // Chronicle of US Higher Education Di-gest. — June, 2011.

2.         Ellen Hazelkorn. Questions Abound as the College-Ranking Race Goes Global // Chronicle of US Higher Education. — April 19, 2011.

3.         Ben Wildavsky. Pondering PISA’s Promise for Higher Education // Chronicle of US Higher Education Digest. — December 13, 2010.

4.         Amy Cavender. Grading: Letters or Numbers? // Chronicle of US Higher Education Digest. — December 3, 2010.

5.         Peter Schmidt. Rising Admissions Standards Have Kept Top Colleges Out of Many Minority Students’ Reach // Chronicle of US Higher Education Di-gest. — August, 2011.

6.         Jeffrey Brainard. A Public University Joins the Expanding 50K Club of College Prices // Chronicle of US Higher Education Digest. — June, 2011.

7.         Корсунов В.И. Актуальные вопросы on-line обучения: опыт высшей школы США // Alma mater (Вестник высшей школы). — 2011. — № 2.

Korsunov, V.I. Actual problems of on-line education: experience of higher school of the USA // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei school). — 2011. — No. 2.

8.         О внесении изменений в Закон Российской Федерации «Об образова-нии» в части применения электронного обучения, дистанционных образова-тельных технологий. — Федеральный закон от 28 февраля 2012 г. № 11-ФЗ.

About insertion of changes into the Statute of the Russian Federation “On education” in application to electronic education, distant educational technolo-gies. — Federal Statute, February 28, 2012, No. 11-FS.

9.         Об образовании в Российской Федерации. — Федеральный Закон от 29.12.2012 № 273-ФЗ.

On education in the Russian Federation. — Federal Statute, 29.12.2012, No. 273-FS.

10.       Jeffrey R. Young. As Textbooks Go Digital. Campus Bookstores May Go Bookless // Chronicle of US Higher Education Digest. — November 14, 2010.

11.       If You Want to Study in the United States. — Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Department of State.

12.       Jeffrey R. Young. To Save Students Money. Colleges May Force a Switch to E-Textbooks // Chronicle of US Higher Education. — October 24, 2010.

13.       Julie Meloni. Technologies for Teaching: Strategies and Pitfalls // Chronicle of US Higher Education Digest. — June, 2011.

14.       Ryan Cordell. New Technologies to Get Your Students Engaged // Chronicle of US Higher Education. — May 8, 2011.

15.       Mark Perry and Jeffrey Young. New Social Software Tries to Make Studying Feel Like Facebook // Chronicle of US Higher Education Digest. — Au-gust, 2011.

16.       Katherine Mangan. At the University of Phoenix, Instructors Learn (Online) to Teach Online // Chronicle of US Higher Education Digest. — June, 2011.

17.       Jennifer Howard. Tomorrow’s Academic Libraries: Maybe Even Some Books // Chronicle of US Higher Education. — May 8, 2011.

18.       Jennifer Howard. Librarians Puzzle Over E-Books They May Buy but Not Truly Own // Chronicle of US Higher Education. — May 15, 2011.

19.       Jennifer Howard. A National Digital Public Library Begins to Take Shape // Chronicle of US Higher Education Digest. — February, 2012.

20.       Robert Darnton. 5 Myths About the “Information Age” // Chronicle of US Higher Education. — April 17, 2011. 

21.       Joseph, E. Learning Today: the Lasting Value of Place // Chronicle of US Higher Education. — May 8, 2011.