Viktor Ogneviuk
prof., Dr. Philos., academician of NAPS of Ukraine,
Rector of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
Svitlana Sysoieva
prof., Dr. of Pedagogical Science, Corresponding Member of NAPS of Ukraine,
Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory of Education of
The Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.
Key words: sphere of education, osvitologia, osvitological training, osvitilogical research.
1. Goncharenko, S.U. Education / Encyclopedia of Education. — K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2008.
2. Kremen, V. Philosophy of the National Idea. Person. Education. Society. — K.: Gramota, 2007.
3. Mitskevich, M. Invariant Characteristics of Educology // Adukatar. — 2010. — No. 1 (17). — P. 21–27.
4. Ognevyuk, V. Osvitologia as reflection of inter-disciplinary approach to educational scientific researches // Development of the Modern Education: educational emphasizes. Proceeding of the 1st Ukrainian scientific & research conference “Osvitologia as scientific direction of integrated cognition in education”. — K.: B. Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2011. — P. 53–62.
5. Ogneviuk, V. Philosophy of education in the structure of educational scientific researches // Shlyakh osvity. — 2009. — No. 4 (54). — P. 2–6.
6. Sviridov, O.A. Theory and methodology of functioning of educational Systems: Abstr. diss. … dr. econom. — Yoshkar-Ola, 2006.
7. Sysoeva, S.A. Education and Personality under conditions of Post-industrial World. — Khmelnitsky: KHPA, 2008.
8. Sysoeva, S.A. Education as object of the research // Shlyakhosvity. — 2012. — No. 2. — P. 5–11.
9. Steiner, E. Educology of Freedom. — N.-Y.: Philosophical library, 1981.
10. Subetto, A. U. Principles, Laws and Structure of the Science of Education. The Imperative of the Non-Classical Synthesis // Academia Trinitarizma, 2003.
11. Testov, V. Quality and Fundamentality of the Higher Education // Vysshee Obrazovaniye v Rosii. — 2008. — No. 10. — P. 89–92.
12. Furman, A. Osvitologia as synthetic scientific discipline: problems, tasks, object, subject, methods // Vitakulturny mlin. — 2006. — Mod. 3. — P. 4–9.