Koshelev Vladimir N
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Full Professor,
Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry and Chemistry of Oil,
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Gubkin Russian State
Rjabov Vladimir Dimitrievitch
doctor of chemical science,
professor of organic chemistry and oil chemistry department of
Russian University of oil and gas named after I.M. Gubkin.
Liudmila V. Ivanova
Phd, assistant professor of the Department Organic Chemistry and Chemistry
Tchernova Olga Borisovna
candidate of chemical science, assistant professor of organic chemistry and oil chemistry department of Russian University of oil and gas named after I.M. Gubkin.
E-mail: 27helga72@mail.ru
Described are results of 12th Olympiad as to chemistry of oil, organized at I.M. Gubkin’s Russian state university of oil & gas for students of chemistry and oil chemistry faculties of high schools.
Key words: Olympiad, oil chemistry, rating.