Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Dynamics of structure of Russian high schools’ graduates as to level of degree certificates

Victoria F. Pugach
80,00 ₽


Victoria F. Pugach

Doctor of Sociology, Professor

Institute for quality of higher education MISiS


Analyzed are dynamics of higher education graduates, as well as structure of graduates as to level of degree certificates. Shown is scope of trained bachelors and masters, described is basic role of specialists among graduates, and characterized is place of undergraduate certificates of higher education holders. Compared are both state and private high schools as to structure of graduates and to peculiarities of tendencies.

Key words: higher education, graduates of high schools, level of degree certificates, diplomas of bachelor, specialist and master, undergraduate certificates, state and private high schools. 


1. [URL]:

2. Federal law “On higher post-university education” of 22.08.1996, No. 125-FZ (invalid since 01.01 2013).

3. Federal law of the RF of 24.10.2007, No. 232-FZ “On amendments to certain regulatory acts of the Russian Federation (as to establishing levels of higher professional education)”.

4. [URL]:

5. Education in the Russian Federation: Statistical annual review 2007. — M.: GU-VShE, 2007.

6. Education in the Russian Federation: Statistical digest 2012. — M.: GU-VShE, 2012.

7. Education indicators 2013: Statistical digest. — M.: NIU VShE, 2013.

8. Higher education in Russia 1996. Short statistical digest. — M.: CISN, 1996.

9. Education indicators 2007. Statistical digest. — M.: GU-VShE, 2007.

10. Education in the Russian Federation 2010: Statistical digest. — M.: GU-VShE, 2010.