Kudryashev Alexandr Fedorovich
Ph.D., professor of department of philosophy and history of science
Bashkir State University,
E-mail philozof@mail.ru
Elkhova Oxana Igorevna
Ph.D., assistant professor of department of philosophy and history of science
Bashkir State University,
E-mail oxana-elkhova@yandex.ru
Elaborated are modern tendencies, characterizing reforms in the system of Russian VPO. Attention is paid to the fact that restructuring of the system of VPO is resulting in not being providing of high schools’ graduates with fundamental education of needed level, guaranteeing them real opportunity for continuous education.
Key words: higher education, innovations in high school, fundamental level of education, creativeness, consumer society, high school’s graduate.
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6. Kudryashev, A.F., Elkhova, O.I. General scientific picture оf the world: old in new garb // Bulletin of Bashkir State University. — 2013. — No. 4.
7. Elkhova, O.I. Innovation in the University — from real to visual is one step // Post-graduate Bulletin of Povolzhie region. — 2010. — No. 1—2. — P. 31—35.