Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Professionalism of officer. Organizational and pedagogical administrative substantiation of it’s making

V.E. Khakhalev
80,00 ₽


Analyzed is the problem of organizational and pedagogical substantiation of administration of professional formation, assisting centralized coordination and organizational management of the process of achieving needed level of professionalism of officers.

Key words: officer cadres, professionalism, competency, guaranteeing. 


1.      The Military doctrine of the Russian Federation (approved by President of the Russian Federation of 12/25/2014 No. Pr-2976).

2.     Titov, V.B., Drobot I.S. Pedagogical designing of professional formation of officer shots // Military thought. — 2012. — No. 10. — P. 58—65.

3.     Utrobin, G.F. A cybernetic sight at administrative formation. A problem of preparation of military professionals // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). —2012. — No. 11. — P. 116.

4.     Hahalev, V.E. Organizational-pedagogical conditions of introduction of a control system of professional formation of officers / Collection of works of XXXI All-Russia scientific and technical conference «Problems of efficiency and safety of functioning of difficult technical and information systems». Collection 6. — Serpukhov, branch VA RVSN, 2013.

5.     Glazov, B.I. The theory of the information and its appendix. — М: VA RVSN of Peter the Great, 2008. 208 p.