Oleg S. Butenko
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Criminology of the first advanced training faculty Institute for Advanced Studies of the Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
E-mail: butenko_os@mail.ru
Vera S. Butenko
Ph.D,,Deputy, Director of A.B. Kogan Research Institute for
Neurocybernetics Academy of Biology and biotehnologу Southern Federal University
E-mail: vk15@inbox.ru, vsbutenko@sfedu.ru
Presented is a model of inter-disciplinary network of post-graduate studies, aimed at training of scientific cadres on world level with broad using of technologies and possibilities of modern universities.
Key words: post-graduate studies, inter-disciplinary training, network inter-cooperation, Bologna process, training of scientists, raising quality of higher education.
1. Butenko, V.S. On definition of the meaning of continued education in modern world // North-Caucasian psychological vestnik. — 2011. — No. 3. — P. 30–33.
2. Butenko, O.S. Legal regulation of educational activity of Russia in connection with participation in the Bologna process: Abstr. diss. … cand. juris. Sciences. — Krasnodar, 2008.
3. Tyurina, L.G. Education & science of Russia under WTO (survey analysis from materials of press) // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2013. — No. 1. — P. 17–24.
4. Butenko, O.S., Butenko, V.S. Training of high qualification cadres in the system of higher education in foreign countries (experience in comparative research) // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2014. — No. 12. — P. 101–105.
5. Serga, M. Yu. Training of scientific cadres in Russia: objective and subjective problems of post-graduates // Fundamental researches. — 2011. — No. 8. — P. 556–559.