S.V. Oskin is doct. of science (Technics), prof.;
G.M. Oskina is cand. of science (Technics), doc.
Kuban State Agrarian University
E-mail: kgauem@yandex.ru
Presented is the authors’ analysis of innovative approach to evaluation of quality of training in high schools. In the authors’ opinion, nowadays one of contemporary challenge for the educational system is the need to develop new approaches and methods, enhancing quality of training of high schools’ graduates. Transformation of our country towards market economy makes to compete with own products not only at the level of enterprises, but educational institutions as well. The article is showing that for evaluation of quality of mastering of competences by high schools’ graduates elements of the theory of automation are quite enough applicable. Also presented are means of evaluation as fund of means of evaluation for both intermediate and final (state final) attestations. For each result of training in discipline (module) or practice the authors elaborated indexes and criteria of evaluation of formation of competences at various stages of the process of their formation, as well as scales and procedures of the evaluation process.
Key words: quality of education, competences, automotive regulation, attestation, graduates’ qualification thesis, educational standard.
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