Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Neural networks as a tool for teachers’ work with children with disabilities: Experience and challenges

V.I. Nemchina, A.N. Legkonogikh , S.N. Aplevich
80,00 ₽
UDC 376-042.4:004

Vera I. Nemchina, Cand. Sc. (Sociology), Docent, Southern Federal University, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, e-mail:

Aleksandr N. Legkonogikh, Associate Professor, The State Autonomous Institution of additional professional education of the Rostov region «Institute of Education Development», e-mail:

Svetlana N. Aplevich, Director of the Gymnasium of the Don State Technical University, e-mail:


The problems of pedagogical practice related to working with children with disabilities are covered quite often, but in recent years, more and more attention has been paid to artificial intelligence tools that help bridge the gap in effective interaction ‘teacher–student–parents’. The purpose of the article is to highlight the advantages of such an artificial intelligence tool as neural networks for adapting the work of a teacher with children with disabilities against the background of existing practices, techniques and software products used in educational institutions of the city of Rostov-on-Don. The task was to uncover the possibilities of using neural networks to enrich the educational process with interactivity and enhance the effect of perception of educational material in various contact groups of students. An empirical study was conducted of 5 schools with correctional classes in Rostov-on-Don, practicing both general and separate education for children with disabilities, the sources of information of which were statistical reports for November 2024, secondary school websites. The conclusions about the quantity and quality of digital technologies, as well as neural networks used in the educational practice of the analyzed schools, and the activity of introducing educational neural network materials for working with children with disabilities are summarized. The content on the VK social network and on the websites of secondary schools with correctional classes for children with disabilities is analyzed, advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. The results are summarized in approaches and solutions to adapt existing educational materials to the needs and capabilities of children and their parents in order to personalize learning, improve the quality and effectiveness of learning perception.

Keywords: children with disabilities, adaptation tools, analysis of pedagogical practices, educational schools with correctional classes, the use of neural networks



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