Anastasia V. Demidova, PhD (Sociology), Personnel and HR Policy Director, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Moscow, e-mail:, htpps://
Andrey P. Seiko, PhD (Sociology), Director of the Center for Analytics and Monitoring, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Moscow, e-mail:
Entering a university is a significant event in the life of a young person. Among other things, it is characterized not only by a change in status, but also by a transition to a different social environment, different from the one he had to deal with at school. The article presents the results of empirical sociological studies devoted to the adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study at a technical university. The data obtained during sociological studies conducted in 2022–2024 describe in detail the mechanism of social adaptation, identify the key factors influencing the success of the adaptation process of first-year students at a technical university, and also allow us to identify the main problems of the initial period of study. Particular attention is paid to the respondents assessment of various aspects of student life, such as academic workload, social environment, extracurricular activities, etc. The authors compare the results of studies conducted in the 2022–2024 academic years to identify changes in student adaptation. The obtained data are of interest when making informed decisions to improve educational programs and mechanisms for supporting students in the process of their adaptation to university life, and also serve as an empirical basis for the formation of the university’s educational and personnel policies.
Key words: first year students, social adaptation, social environment, students, professional training, horizontal social connections, supervision, questionnaire survey
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