Andrey V. Lyshchik, Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Technosphere and Environmental Safety Department, Petersburg State Transport University named after Emperor Alexander I, e-mail:
Oleg I. Tikhomirov, Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Technosphere and Environmental Safety Department, Petersburg State Transport University named after Emperor Alexander I, e-mail:
Yuriy N. Kanonin, Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Technosphere and Environmental Safety Department, Petersburg State Transport University named after Emperor Alexander I, e-mail:
The article examines the experience of training masters in a multi-level system of higher education. According to the authors, the existing system of training in the master’s program is not without significant shortcomings, for example, admission to the master’s program from other profiles of study, as well as the fact that a significant part of the master’s students are interested only in the educational document, and not in the knowledge they receive, which affects their interest in the studied disciplines and attendance of classes. The decline in the quality of education in secondary schools and the Unified State Examination also indirectly negatively affect the processes of training masters. This also includes the opportunity for applicants to submit documents and enter various universities in unrelated areas of training, which leads to the fact that many enter not where they want, but where they can. Based on the experience of training masters, the article substantiates the advantages of increasing the training period for students at the first level of higher education (basic higher) to five years and gives proposals for eliminating the noted shortcomings and further improving specialized higher education.
Keywords: master’s degree, training, competencies, experience in training master’s students, paid education, specialized higher education, unified state examination
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