Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Features of development of small innovative enterprises of Russian universities as a factor of competitiveness of higher education institutions

S.N. Vachkova, R.B. Kupriyanov, V.B. Salakhova
80,00 ₽
UDC 378+338.1

Svetlana N. Vachkova, Dr. Sc. (Educ.), Associate Professor, Director, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education Moscow City University (MCU),, e-mail:

Roman B. Kupriyanov, Head of the IT Department, Moscow City University (MCU), Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow,; e-mail:

Valentina B. Salakhova, PhD in Psychology, Leading Researcher, Moscow City University (MCU); Leading Researcher, Centre for Security Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,, e-mail:


The relevance of studying the problem of small innovative enterprises development in the system of Russian higher education is determined by the strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation. For the development of digital economy in general and knowledge-intensive technologies in particular, an effective system of innovation activity of educational organizations of higher education is a necessary condition. The research presented in the article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of small innovative enterprises development in Russian universities considering the impact of economic crises and import substitution strategy. The sample of the study was made up of an information base designed to analyze the evolution and strengthening of the small business sector and containing normative legal acts, methodological recommendations and information resources regulating the activities of small innovative enterprises of universities.

The authors of the article tested two hypotheses: 1) in periods of socio-economic crises there is a decrease in the number of small innovative enterprises of universities; 2) the orientation of the Russian economy on import substitution provides the growth of small innovative enterprises in the educational sphere.

The results of the study confirmed the hypotheses put forward at the empirical level. The authors proved that small innovative enterprises play a key role in the development of innovation in the educational sphere of higher education. The effectiveness of small innovative enterprises depends on the digitalization of education and the growth of demand for innovative solutions; financial support and stimulation of innovation of the public sector; partnership with enterprises of the real sector of the economy and state corporations.

Keywords: innovation, small innovative enterprises, higher education institution, state support

This article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (RNF) Project No. 23-28-10291 ‘Competitive Teacher for the Digital Economy’.


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