Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Reflexivity as a condition of psychological well-being and job satisfaction

T.M. Tikholaz, O.A. Kocheulova, I.V. Kazakova
80,00 ₽
UDC 316.6+159.9

Tatyana M. Tikholaz, Cand. Sc. (Psychology), Docent, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Omsk State Pedagogical University,, e-mail:, 89139759006

Olga A. Kocheulova, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Omsk State Pedagogical University,, e-mail:

Irina V. Kazakova, Cand.Sc. (Psychology), Docent, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Omsk State Pedagogical University,, e-mail:


The article characterizes the reflexivity of beginning teachers, defines the role of reflexivity for the development of psychological well-being of a teacher, defines the grounds for studying the relationship between reflexivity, psychological well-being, satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the profession. The results of an empirical study of psychological well-being and satisfaction with the profession of novice teachers with different levels of reflexivity are described. The prevailing average and low indicators of the individual measure of reflexivity of young teachers were revealed, with average and high levels of satisfaction and with a low level of dissatisfaction with the profession. The dominant medium and high levels of psychological well-being were found for teachers with low and medium levels of reflexivity. The results of correlation analysis in groups of novice teachers with medium and low levels of reflexivity are presented, direct correlations of reflexivity levels with satisfaction are established professional activity and psychological well-being. It was found that novice teachers are characterized by an average and, to a lesser extent, a low level of reflexivity, a high level is not characteristic of this sample. The data obtained in the study can be used in the development of a program of psychological and pedagogical support for novice teachers in an educational organization, one of the directions of which will be teaching reflexive practices of a young teacher.

Keywords: reflexivity, reflection, beginning teacher, psychological well-being, satisfaction with the profession, correlation analysis

The study was carried out within the framework of the intra-university grant “Psychological well-being of a teacher of an educational organization” funded by Omsk State Pedagogical University



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