Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Pedagogical Universities as institutions for the education of citizenship and patriotism

S.L. Talanov, S.P. Koryakovtsev
80,00 ₽
UDC 378+316.6-052

Sergei L. Talanov, Cand. Sc. (Sociology), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky: Head of the Yaroslavl Regional Office Russian Society of Sociologists, e-mail:

Sergei P. Koryakovtsev, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Lector, the Department of Electronics, Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorov, e-mail:


The article analyzes the problems associated with the education of citizenship and patriotism of future defenders of the Fatherland and ways to overcome them. The authors consider one of the problems to be the training of teaching staff capable of effectively solving this important task, since the civic qualities of a person are formed primarily during school and student years. In 2024, the authors carried out a sociological study of the level of citizenship of students of a number of pedagogical universities in the country. In addition, a survey of experts and a series of in-depth interviews among students were conducted. It has been established that a significant part of students of pedagogical universities position themselves as patriots and people with an active civic position. Only a small part of the respondents want to leave Russia for permanent residence, which is due to the orientation towards the values of the reference personality (group), which as a rule are the parents. Today the influence of schools and universities on the development of patriotism and citizenship can be traced to a lesser extent than the influence of the family and the external environment of an individual (media, Internet, etc.). It was revealed that the majority of students, regardless of their national and religious affiliation, age and gender, share the basic values of patriotism and citizenship. Girls, to a greater extent than boys, are confident that military service is not the most important criterion for the manifestation of personal patriotism. Nevertheless, it has been established that, in general, for a significant part of the students, the main criterion (indicator) by which they determine the patriotism of an individual is her attitude to the Russian army and service in it. If a person does not single out the Russian army as a significant component of statehood, then he is not a patriot. If a man did not serve in the army without having good reasons for this, then he is also not a patriot. Also, for a significant part of the student body, an indicator of a person’s citizenship is her desire to work for the benefit of the Motherland. It was revealed that the older the students are, the more interested and willing they are to attend patriotic events in an educational institution. In our opinion, this is due to the fact that over the years a person has a deeper understanding of his actions and deeds as a Citizen. Most students are convinced that if a graduate plans to leave the country in order to obtain citizenship and a prestigious job in another country, then he is not a patriot of Russia and he does not have an active civic position. The authors propose a number of technologies that will not only contribute to the civic and patriotic education of students, but will also help young teachers in forming citizens, defenders of the Fatherland from their pupils. Obviously, special attention should be paid to those who are thinking about the future profession of the military.

Keywords: patriotism, citizenship, pedagogical universities, educational process, humanistic values



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