Olga B. Polyakova, Cand. Sc. (Psychology), Associate Professor, practical psychologist, Center for Developmental Psychology, Moscow city; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2581-5516, AuthorID RINTS: 5176-0918, AuthorID Scopus: 57205426592, e-mail: pob-70@mail.ru
Tatyana I. Bonkalo, Dr. Sc. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of Public Health Research; Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow City Health Department, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0887-4995, AuthorID RINTS: 6572-7417, e-mail: bonkalotatyanaivanovna@yandex.ru
The specificity of the metaprogram of aspirations and self-organization of representatives of socionomic professions has been determined: a high degree of expression of the readiness to ‘know oneself’ (analysis of one’s own mistakes and blunders, interest in the opinion of others about oneself) and for self-development (awareness of ideas about oneself, defending one’s own opinion and principles); an above average degree of expression of the readiness ‘I can improve myself’ (hope for oneself and luck, independence in self-education and accomplishment of one’s plans), motivation for success and achievement (initiative, orientation towards personal and professional success), the need for development and self-development (reflection of one’s own activities, aspiration for advancement at work), abilities for self-education and self-development (generation of ideas, planning one’s own work, self-criticism); average degree of expression of the motivation of fear of failure and avoidance of failure (panic state in difficult tasks, self-esteem, fear of defeat, desire to avoid difficulties). The following were established: a direct relationship between the motivation for success and success, the readiness to ‘know myself’ and ‘I can improve myself’, general readiness for self-development, the need for development and self-development.
Keywords: metaprograms, aspirations, self-development, professions, socionomic professions
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