Natalya P. Sukhanova, PhD (Philosophy), Docent, Associate Professor at Department of Philosophy and Humanities, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Russia, eLibrary SPIN-code: 2647-7829, AuthorID: 599434е-mail:
Changes in the approaches to the concepts and in the practices of the national higher school become the subject of sharp polemics for the scientific community. Discussion of the values and goals of education within the framework of the emerging modern educational strategy also concerns projects aimed at developing thinking skills. The subject of study in this article is the course program “Logic and Critical Thinking”, the methodological principles of which are aimed at discovering effective tools that counter the emptiness of thinking. Interpretation of the contours of the program is carried out not from the position of abstract theorizing in relation to it, but from the point of view of a meaningful construct tested in educational activities. Attention is focused on the specifics of the analysis of such linguistic expressions as names. The activity-based pedagogy of the critical skills training program is revealed through the prism of considering the problem of meaning and significance. The program settings of the discipline are explored, contributing to the development of a culture of thinking by participants in terms of competent handling of names, taking into account the specific features of discourse. The findings highlight the need for continued reflexive awareness of the empirical context of a university logic and critical thinking program.
Keywords: education, critical thinking, logic, language, name, purpose, meaning
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