Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Potential of socio-psychological disciplines in the formation of professional motivation in engineering education

V.D. Vasilyeva
80,00 ₽
UDC 37.09:378::62
Valentina D. Vasilyeva, Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Docent, Professor of sub-faculty of History, Culture and Sociology at Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

Recent years have been marked by significant changes in the field of engineering education in Russia. This requires solving the problem of professional self-determination of school graduates. The vocational guidance of applicants does not end with their admission to a vocational educational institution. Students in the process of studying continue to doubt the correctness of their decision in choosing a profession. The constant work of the university to preserve and develop students' motivation for their chosen professional activity throughout the entire period of study becomes relevant.

The purpose of this study is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the potential (possibilities) of social-psychological disciplines/modules of educational programs of engineering training to participate in the formation and development of students’ professional motivation from the first year of study. The paper concretizes the concept of professional motivation and its components, identifies the features of pedagogical conditions for increasing the professional motivation of engineering students in the study of socio-psychological disciplines at the university.

Keywords: engineering training, socio-psychological disciplines, professional motivation, universal competencies



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