UDC 140:502/504
Anton D. Filipchenko, Postgraduate student, Department of Methods of Teaching Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and Geography Faculty of Natural Sciences, State University of Education, Moscow Region, Mytishchi City, SPIN-code: 3576-6269, e-mail: antonfil97@mail.ru
The most important factor of taking suitable response measures to combat current environmental challenges is a complete and comprehensive description of the environmental consciousness phenomenon. The identification of links between the internal ecological worldview of a person and social norms and regulations let influencing the environmental behavior of entire states by methods of education and culture. In this regard, it is necessary to explain the content of the ecological consciousness concept, which is possible only if you take an interdisciplinary approach to research. In this work, ecological consciousness is analyzed from the ecological component and the philosophical theory of consciousness points of view, described by the key domestic and foreign positions on the issue of describing the content of this phenomenon. For this purpose, historical and problematic issues of formation of ecological discourse and, in fact, of ecological consciousness itself in domestic science are investigated. At the end of the article, several key characteristics of ecological consciousness, based on the generalization of the studied material, are presented, as well as its experimental definition is proposed, designed to reflect the internal complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the required concept.
Keywords: ecology and nature management, environmental consciousness, environmentalism, environmental culture, ecology behavior, environmental activities
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