Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Ethical issues in using artificial intelligence technologies

N.V. Pashkova, M.V. Vesnyanov
80,00 ₽

UDC 17+004.8

DOI 10.20339/AM.01-24.107    


Nataliya V. Pashkova, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor of Department of History, Philosophy and Psychology, Kuban State Technological University, e-mail:

Maxim V. Vesnyanov, student of Kuban State Technological University, e-mail:


The article discusses the ethical aspects associated with the use and development of artificial intelligence technologies. With the development of AI, problems arise that affect various areas of human life, including ethics, economics, medicine, education and others. Analyzes key ethical issues such as the autonomy of AI decision-making; determining who is responsible for damage caused by AI; transparency and data protection, as well as issues of inequality and the potential social consequences of AI.

Our task was to identify the main ethical issues related to the use of artificial intelligence and to identify possible solutions for the use and development of AI. To address this, we reviewed and analyzed existing ethical and guiding principles, identified and systematized key ethical issues and different positions on AI.

The theoretical sources for our analysis were the results of scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence, considering the ethical aspects of the use and development of such systems.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, responsibility, ethical issues, principles.



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