UDC 378
Oleg M. Altynbekov, Cand. Sci. (Biology), Associate professor of Department of Infectious diseases, zoohygiene and veterinary sanitary inspection at Bashkir State Agrarian University, UFA city, AuthorID (РИНЦ): 874724, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7920-3892, e-mail: oleg030291@mail.ru
The article presents the results of self-analysis of educational work in the supervised group of first-year students in the specialty “Veterinary Medicine” in the conditions of the Bashkir State Agrarian University. During the academic year, a number of curatorial hours devoted to patriotic, social, and moral topics were held in the supervised group. The study groups were attracted to participate in cultural and sports events held both within the walls of the university and outside it. The group identified a priority area of activity that most students were interested in — the topic of animal volunteering. The study groups together with the curator took part in charity events aimed at helping homeless animals. These events allowed the team to unite, which had a positive impact on academic performance: absolute academic performance increased by 14.9% with a relative academic performance of 100%. The final survey in the group showed that the overwhelming majority of respondents positively assessed the curatorial hours and the role of the curator in the life of the group.
Keywords: university, curator, educational process, student, introspection.
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