UDC 316.6-052
Victoria V. Kozhevnikova, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Department of Family and Childhood Psychology at L.S. Vygotsky Institute of Psychology of Russian State Humanities University, Moscow; Scientific Director of the Association of Fröbel-Pedagogues, laureate of the Russian Federation Government Prize in the field of education, e-mail: project.edu.2024@gmail.com
The work analyzes the meaning, methodological problems and current state of comparative pedagogy. It is concluded that the rapid development and extension of comparative pedagogy at present can be described as expansion. The author sees the full development of comparative pedagogy as a valuable branch of knowledge through its expansion not only in breadth, but also in depth. The interest in comparative studies of preschool education is explained, according to the author, by the recognition of childhood as a valuable period in a person’s life — an idea coming from F. Fröbel. It is proved that F. Fröbel’s pedagogy can be used as a methodological tool and basis for a comparative study of preschool education in different countries.
Keywords: comparative pedagogical research, comparative preschool education, pedagogy and philosophy of F. Fröbel, methodology in comparative research, societies of comparative pedagogy.
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