UDC 378(575.1)
Sanjar Sh. Saidov, Dr. Sci. (Politics), Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent, e-mail: s.saidov.uz@gmail.com
In the modern world, along with many principles of democratic development, the factor of “academic freedom” is very important. Academic freedom is used in many areas, such as education, science, research, innovation, and is generally the political culture of the society. This article provides a scholarly analysis of academic freedom in Uzbekistan, its characteristics, problems and prospects. Despite numerous positive educational reforms in recent years, academic studies and related problems remain. Attracting young people into science, developing new skills and competences and ensuring academic freedom are the urgent tasks of today. The article identifies the factors that condition academic freedom and draws scientific and practical conclusions.
Keywords: academic freedom, education, science, new ideas, Uzbekistan, social reforms, scientific research, international rankings.