Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Course design as a way to induce the creative activity of students and prepare for the state final certification

Sergey P. Stolyarov, N.N. Sluchaninov, Andrey S. Stolyarov
80,00 ₽

UDC 378


Sergey P. Stolyarov, Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Docent, Head of Department of Marine Internal Combustion Engines and Diesel Propulsion Plants at St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Author ID RSCI: 443666

Nikolay N. Sluchaninov, Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of General Technical Disciplines at Military Institute (Railway Troops and Military Communications) of the Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khrulev, Author ID RSCI: 643756

Andrey S. Stolyarov,* Senior Lecturer of Department of Marine Internal Combustion Engines and Diesel Propulsion Plants at St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Author ID RSCI: 229999, e-mail:


The article describes the experience of using interdisciplinary end-to-end course design in St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU). End-to-end course design is an element of the concept of competency formation in an innovative educational environment of a technical university.

The expediency of using an interdisciplinary end-to-end course project for educational programs in engineering is substantiated. The basis of the methodology is historicism and course projects and term papers. Course projects and term papers in different academic disciplines are united by a common goal and project task.

There is a long-term practice of applying an interdisciplinary end-to-end course project in SMTU. The developed method increases the comprehensibility of the studied information, mobilizes creativity, and contributes to professional maturation. In addition, active students make scientific publications and reports at conferences based on their work.

The main problem in the implementation of educational programs based on the end-to-end course project is a significant increase in the load on teachers. The reasons for the increase in workload are individual assignments, an increased number of course projects and papers, and the expansion of engineering tasks. Additional difficulties are caused by the individual redistribution of the amount of work between various term papers in order to provide opportunities for proactive student research.

Keywords: educational program, course project, independent work of a student, state final certification.



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