Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Archaic religions as a religious and psychological phenomenon and their influence on the stabilization of anxiety

Cholpon S. Usupova, E.M. Beishembaeva, S. Korhueva
80,00 ₽

UDC 21/29+316.6(575.2)


Cholpon S. Usupova, Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences at I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, e-mail:

Elza M. Beishembaeva, Senior Lecturer, Kyrgyz-Kazakh University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, e-mail:

Saltanat Korhueva, PhD student in Philosophy, Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyn, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, e-mail: ;  


The modern global world assumed that the major religions would eventually remain — Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, so it is surprising that today there is a return of some long-gone mytho-religious beliefs — a kind of renaissance of beliefs such as animism, shamanism and a special form like magic. All those phenomena did not disappear, but existed quite separately, as a kind of archaism.

More and more people are interested in these phenomena as they try to find answers to their concerns through them. Therefore, it is necessary to scientifically consider what they are and what benefit or harm they can bring. An ancient belief like Tenirism is being revived on the territory of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the form of religion, which claims a dominant position in the minds of nomads. This fact of course causes rejection among Muslims, who are the overwhelming majority among the local population and provokes not only discontent but also violent protest.

Therefore, it is necessary to study these phenomena not only in the scientific community, but also at the governmental level. This study analyses the phenomenon of the influence of mytho-religious beliefs on the stabilisation of anxiety in people.

Keywords: archaic religions, totemism, fetishism, magic, shadowism, society, psychological phenomena.



1. A global view of Human destinies. URL: (accessed on: 07.11.2022).

2. Religiousness and Clinical Psychiatry: Proceedings of the First Moscow International Conference, 20–21 April 2017: collection of scientific papers / FGBNU Scientific Centre of Mental Health / edited by G.I. Kopeiko and V.G. Kaleda. Moscow: Sam Poligrafist, 2017. 278 p.

3. Vasiliev. L.S. History of Religions of the East: Textbook. 2nd ed. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola, 1988. 414 p.