Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Current problems of training specialists for IT and ICT directions

N.G. Osipova, G.V. Kolodeznaya
80,00 ₽

UDC 378:37.09:004       


Natalia G. Osipova, Cand. Sci. (Physical and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Department of Automation, Telemechanics and Communication at Far Eastern State University of Railway Transport, Khabarovsk, e-mail:

Galina V. Kolodeznaia, Cand. Sci. (Physical and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Department of Automation, Telemechanics and Communication at Far Eastern State University of Railway Transport, Khabarovsk, Far Eastern State Transport University, e-mail:


Introduction. The course towards the digitalization of all processes on a global scale has indicated a very clear prospect for the need for qualified personnel in the field of infocommunication technologies (ICT). Given the ever-growing need for the use of ICT in all areas of modern life, the issue of professional requirements for the level of training of IT and infocommunication specialists becomes relevant. Obviously, after identifying the needs and demands of manufacturing, the progression of universities in this direction should begin with an assessment of the current state of the higher education system and identifying problematic moments and interfering factors.

Aim: To analyze the problem occuring in the training of IT and ICT specialists.

Methodology and research methods. a review and generalization of the content of scientific sources related to the issues under discussion were used in the course of the study; collection and processing of statistical data for FESTU.

Results and scientific novelty. The research part of the work includes analysis of the values of the indicators of the effectiveness of the current activities of universities based on the values of these indicators for a single university (FESTU). An analysis was performed of the values of some accreditation indicators, an analysis of the dynamics of the composition of the faculty in the Institute of Control, Automation and Telecommunications and the dynamics of the average USE score (full-time education in bachelor’s and specialist’s programs), as well as an analysis of the values of the indicators of the effectiveness of the current activities of universities.

Practical significance. The results obtained allow us to form an understanding of the state of the modern system of higher education with an emphasis on training personnel for the fields of ICT and IT, which will allow in the future, based on research data, to form a sound strategy for reforming and developing the higher education system.

Keywords: educational training of IT and ICT specialists, university accreditation, personnel potential, information technologies.


Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to Yu.V. Ponomarchuk, Director of the Institute “Control, Automation and Telecommunications” and director of the Center for the formation of a contingent of students A.A. Onishchenko for advice in collecting information. The authors are grateful to the reviewers for their expert opinion and constructive approach.




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