Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Orientation of University Students to Research Activities: Problems and Development Prospects

F.Yu. Kushnarev
80,00 ₽

UDC 378-042.1:001.89-052


Filipp Yu. Kushnarev, Cand. Sc. (Politics), Assistant Professor of Department of Social Policy at Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov, e-mail:


In the article, the author analyzes the attitude of students to research activities. A sociological study was conducted among students of leading universities in the Yaroslavl region. And also, a series of in-depth interviews were conducted with students who consciously and voluntarily engage in research activities at the university. It has been established that boys are more engaged in systematic research activities than girls. At the same time, the majority of young men and women who belong to high-resource groups are engaged in science in order to subsequently enroll in graduate and postgraduate studies. Young men, for the most part, believe that through engaging in science you can assert yourself, and girls believe that through involvement in science you can expand your socially significant connections. Young men from families who belong to middle-resource and low-resource groups, for the most part, are engaged in science in order to enroll in a master's degree and then, if possible, in graduate school, so that they are not taken to serve in the army. In addition, it was revealed that students who are actively engaged in research activities have high academic performance. Basically, special departments in universities, professors, and deputy deans for science are trying to involve students in scientific activities. It has been established that the main reasons why students do not engage in research work is the lack of interest in science and research. It was revealed that those who previously systematically and purposefully participated in scientific conferences are planning to enter the master’s program. And also, the part of students who belong to high-resource family groups (wealthy families and parents with higher education and in a status position). The less wealthy the respondent’s family, the more he wants to receive a research grant. At the same time, girls, to a greater extent than boys, would like to receive a grant.

Measures aimed at stimulating the research activities of university students are proposed.


Key words and phrases: motivation, research activity, scientific departments, students, universities.



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