Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Influence of Mathematical Anxiety on the Psychological Phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance among Students Who Do Not Specialize in Mathematics

V.A. Erovenko
80,00 ₽

UDC 37.09:5+159.9


Valery A. Erovenko, Dr. Sc. (Physics & Mathematics), Professor of the Department of General Mathematics and Computer Science at Belorussian State University, Minsk, e-mail:


Students of non-mathematical specialties experience many problems when studying mathematics. This fact implicitly encourages teachers of higher mathematics to turn to psychology and the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance. In the philosophy of mathematical education, the problems of cognitive learning of understood mathematics are solved differently in accordance with cultural and educational traditions. Educational practice shows that mathematical anxiety is an important problem of learning, along with the formation of mathematical thinking.

Keywords. Cognitive dissonance, psychological phenomenon, phenomenon of mathematical anxiety, mathematics for non-mathematical specialties, students studying chemistry.




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