UDC 364:378+331.5
Luidmila M. Nizova, Dr. Sc. (Economics), Professor at Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, e-mail: nizova@yandex.ru
Irina G. Kislicyna, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor at Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, e-mail: ikislicyna@mail.ru
The article explores the trajectory of education and employment of graduates in the direction of training specialists, bachelors and masters of social work. One of the main prerequisites for their preparation is the aging of the population and the decline in the number of people of working age. The dynamics of education in undergraduate and graduate programs over the past seven years, both in Russia and in the Mari El Republic is given. Based on a comparison of the educational trajectories of social work specialists, positive and negative factors are identified. The positive factors include the growth of the practical orientation of education, the mobility of graduates, the development of social partnership, the improvement of the composition of teachers and the improvement of technologies for the quality of education. Against this background, problems such as a weak scientific base in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the employment of postgraduates, low wages for social workers, a high level of aspirations of graduates, etc. have been identified. In order to improve the quality of education, the following measures have been proposed: state partnership, wider involvement of students in scientific research and grant activities, partnership in the field of joint laboratories and small enterprises for social assistance to lonely and elderly citizens on the basis of a social contract.
Key words: social work, educational trajectory, employment, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree.
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