UDC 316.6-057.9
Yulia N. Gambeeva, senior Lecturer of Department of Management, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Branch in Sevastopol, e-mail: jgambeeva@bk.ru
Nadezhda N. Kozhuhova, senior Lecturer of Department of Management, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Branch in Sevastopol, e-mail: nadegda.red@gmail.com
Elena Yu. Pynik, Chief Specialist, Department of Economic Development of Sevastopol, e-mail: еlenapynik@yandex.ru
Values are one of the most important elements of the personality structure and underlie motives, priorities are chosen in accordance with them, significance is attached to certain events. Values are intertwined with the moral sphere, determine human behavior. The idea of public service is based on a certain system of values that should be shared by employees. This is the basis of both the moral image of a civil servant and the system of motivation, the creation of which is very complicated by the specifics of this activity. The purpose of this work is to identify the main factors that form the value-motivational sphere of the personality of a civil servant, to study its features. The empirical basis of the study was the survey of students in the direction of training “State and municipal management” and civil servants themselves. As part of the study, a classification of terminal and instrumental values of civil servants was developed, and a comparison was made of the value-motivational sphere of the personality of students studying in the direction of training “State and municipal management” and civil servants. The data obtained are of interest to personnel services in the selection and assessment of the personnel potential of civil servants.
Key words: value-motivational structure of personality, state employee, public service, public administration, motivation.
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