UDC 378:001.89
Elena V. Luneva, Cand.Sc. (Biology), Docent, Head of the Department “Organization of Work with Youth”, Kurgan State University, e-mail: elen-lunev@yandex.ru.
Olga N. Bryzgalova, Assistant of the Department “Organization of work with youth”, Kurgan State University, e-mail: olya_bryzgalova@list.ru
Konstantin A. Fomichev, Cand.Sc. (History), Associate Professor of the Department “Organization of work with youth”, Kurgan State University, e-mail: orm-kurgan@rambler.ru
Olga G. Hripunova, Senior teacher of “Organization of Work with Youth” Department, Kurgan State University, e-mail: kolmolga@mail.ru
In the work, a study was conducted aimed at studying the problems of involving students in research activities using the example of Kurgan State University.
The results of the study allowed the authors to identify a number of significant problems that are present in the student scientific field of the university and are an inhibitory factor in the involvement of students in research activities. Based on these problems, recommendations were developed aimed at creating more effective and positive conditions for the research activities of university students.
Key words: student youth, research activities of students, involvement in research activities.
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