UDC 37.07:005.3-042.4:004
Mikhail Yu. Osipov, Cand. Sci. (Jurisprudence), Senior Researcher of Scientific Research Institute of Educational Technologies of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization of Higher Education “VPA International Police Academy”, Tula, e‑mail: osipov11789@yandex.ru
The article discusses the issues of automating the management of a higher educational institution and possible ways to solve them. The subject of research in this article is the regularities of higher educational institution management, which should be taken into account when building automated higher educational institution management systems. The purpose of the study is to consider the features of the laws governing the management of a higher educational institution and their consideration in the construction of automated control systems for a higher educational institution. As research methods, a systematic approach, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, generalization, and a method of modeling managerial situations were used. In the chord of the study, the following was found. There are two approaches to automating the management of higher education institutions: an approach to automating management based on standard solutions in the field of automation of management, and an approach based on individual solutions in the field of automating the management of higher education institutions. An analysis of these approaches shows that in order to improve the efficiency of managing higher education institutions, it is necessary to use a two-loop scheme of management automation. At the same time, a typical solution should be used as an external loop for automating the management of higher education institutions, while an individual solution in the field of automating the management of a higher education institution should be used as an internal loop for automating the management of higher education institutions. At the same time, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the interaction between the internal and external circuits of automation of the management of higher educational institutions, they must be harmonized with each other.
Key words: automation, management, higher education institutions, problems, inner loop, outer loop, standard solution, individual solution, harmonization, efficiency.
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