UDC 327(575.1)
Sanjar Sh. Saidov, Cand. Sci. (Politics), Associate Professor of Department of Social Sciences at Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent, e-mail: s.saidov.uz@gmail.com
The scientific article examines the factor of “soft power” and its features in the modern system of international relations. Based on scientific analysis, it is noted that “soft power” is associated with a number of regulatory, institutional, information and human resources. The study also focused on the use of “soft power” in Uzbekistan’s foreign policy. It was noted that the full implementation of “soft power” meets the geopolitical interests of not only Uzbekistan, but the entire region.
Key words: “soft power”, foreign policy, Joseph Nye, Uzbekistan, international relations, image, Central Asia, democratic values.